Uncanny, Uncommon, Unconventional. --- Welcome to our Un/O-fficial site. What more needs to be said?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Heyllo All! It is I, Shades. Once again posting, though it was only yesterday that I last visited you.

I was just reading through all our past postings, and have discovered that I was wrong in my previous statements about our fan club. Further review of our blog/site has revealed to me that we have many readers, all of whom wish to remain anonymous. So to thee, I apologize sincerely.

However, the comments left by said anonymous readers are strangely similar every time and uncommonly not personalized in any way. It is perfectly fine if you wish to remain unknown, but these are quite strange comments. They are suspiciously automated-sounding. Almost as if they are left by a computer--and not in the sense that the person used a computer to comment--or some sort of device alike to that.

Also, numerous comments have said they find our site informative. Which leaves me wondering: In what way are we informative? Do you mean our superior linguistic skills and command of the English (and sometimes French) language? Or do you mean we keep you up-to-date on our movie mishaps and masterpieces? I wish to know the answers to these questions! So if you could be so kind as to enlighten me, it would be most appreciated. :)

Thank you, I enjoy our color scheme as well. Colors are such a delightful way to express one's emotions :)


Monday, August 28, 2006

Joe, you aren't the most dedicated! I check the site every day to see if people are actually READING it! Because so far, we've only got like 1 reader! So there's no point in posting if no one's reading it! But anywho, I shall now post something, for our one faithful and loved reader: ZERSE!!

My summer has been a multitude of traveling, training, and chilling. Such things can only be absorbed in SMALL doses for, ahem, *normal* people. However, we are not normal people! Nor are we conformists! Nor lemmings! Nor sheep! Nor any-other-animal-you-can-think-of-that-follow-the-lead-of-others! We are INDIVIDUALS!! And in being such, we can take in said activities in LARGE doses! We can do all the chilling we feel is necessary to keep our bodies at a comfortable temperature! Although, we are warm blooded creatures....REGARDLESS! My earlier statement of temperature shall remain intact, and true in my mind.

Unfortunately, summer vacation is almost over. *tear*. Although it is gone for another year, we shall remember it fondly. It was such a good vacation. It didn't deserve to be over so soon, so suddenly. And though it is no longer with us physically, it shall forever remain in our hearts.

Fortunately, hockey has started! Yessiree! Try outs are underway! And I'm happy to say I have made it PAST the first cut for the competitive AA team! Snaps for Shades!! *snap snap snap* I shall keep you updated on any further events in the try out process!

Yes, so. Little Miss Sunshine. I heard its a great movie. But once again, guess who was left OUT of the excursion! That's right. Poor itty bitty Shades. No one invites her to movies even though she buys Joe's tickets and refreshments!! You owe me 13 bucks! And I need it because I'm in debt to my parents 75 $...And I owe CCM#3 1$ so I didn't have to count out 100 pennies! Haha, *1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6* hahaha!! That guy was funny.

Anyway...I think that's all I had to say...So bye!!

Ain't No Party Like An 'S Club' Party

MY PICTURE WON'T UPLOAD!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( boooooooohoooooooo

P.s. Ok Go rocks my socks! I have a bunch of their songs! wooo

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Crap I've been the only one to post for a vastly extended period of time. Just goes to show who's most dedicated! HA!

Ah... and once again i'm happy to bring you another segment of


Yes. This week is a double whammy.

1) Little Miss Sunshine.

No J, this is the best written movie I've seen in a long time. CCM#3 and I had the dear pleaure of divulging into such a piece of art. The characters are fantastic, the plot is unfailing, and humour is quick and smart. I Approve!

Go now. watch. love. Knock your socks off.

2) OK GO!

Wow man! I am so happy that these four men came into my mind through my ear cavity! So fresh and inventive and FUNNY! Also very smart by posting their videos on You Tube to get their stuff out to the peeps. Thats where I found them! I definatly recommend checking them out, or purchasing their tunes, or watching their videos...or voting over constantly to put their song at #1 on Much...'cause we'd all like that...just don't break the internet.

OK GO. New. Fresh. WICKED SLICK. knock your socks off.

Joe. The real Mailman.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Joe. The real Mailman