Hello readers.
I'd like to add a point that is important to me and my on-developing career. Directors. Not just the art of directing but the people who do it and influence our on growing popular culture. So with this I'd like to add the 5 directors who have influenced me and my life, my sense of humour, and the way I go about things. Here they are.
#5: Tim Burton
#4: M. Night Shymalan
#3: Ron Howard
#2: Wes Anderson
#1: John Hughes
With this I'd like to ask you all to go out and watch one of their movies. They're geniuses! (THEY are in no specific order may I add)
Joe. The real Mailman.
i would like to take this opportunity to point something out: the plural of genius is, i believe, genii. hehehehehe, don't worry i hd to look it up in the dictionary!
I have been so utterly bored lately, well since you guys left on Tuesday. We have to do something, SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we still on for the movie????
PS: Joe, I heard some news that you may find interesting, pertaining to a certain Disney Channel Original Movie, ahem, High School Musical 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about Tim Burton?
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