HEY! I am back from the all powerful very humid and outlit infested ORLANDO FLORIDA! Yes it was ok. I prefere the States in small doses, one week it too much for someone like myself. Four days in New York and I'm beat. I was there for a very prestigeous dance performance in Disney World itself and did quite well, although the dance wasn't the best part. I am infact
-now- a roller-coaster-junkie. Yes! (holds up up with a certain amount of twisted pride). I've watch my close friends and family mount those seemingly daunting seats and pull thoughs seemingly faulty braces over their bodies and rocket a seemingly 3,723,9183,1273 mph down a seemingly 170 ft drop. ALL LIES! It's the best sensation I have ever felt come over my body, like I'm flying! It's wonderful.
I also went to the beach and got horribly burned. I'm not a water person, although my horoscope says I should be. I like being inside, I'm definatly an inside person, like a...a housefly...
actually thats a tad revolting...I take that back.
So I'm back, with more souvenirs than I can handle, and a whole new wardrobe...well two new shirts and a pair of pants, but that's all I'm going to wear for the next 7 months. And, I went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride! They vamped it up. It's pretty sweet.
SO I'M BACK! And ready to make some more movies...as soon as I get a camera...
Joe. The real Mailman.
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