Hey fans which i'm proud to say we have after reading the recent postings. School just started and its not too shabby. The teachers are a little "sketchy" but its all too swell other wise. Zerse came in today with suspenders and I was blown away by her/his (just incase we didn't already state the gender) wicked taste in fashion.
My geography teacher is too strange, not even just strange but Too, possible could be a triple "o" after the next week. She's bald, used to teach special ed kids and believes in teamwork. Now team work is a great thing but not when its in her style. Each class she calls on two "leaders" to re-arange the seating plan....every. single. class. It takes literally an hour. She does estranged leadership building games and we played vollyball yesterday. Why? Because it helped loosen the tension. Playing volleyball in a portable obvioulsy isn't going to loosen any tension. She's constantly raving about how she taught special ed children at her old school. Like its lovely and all but I have honestly never met a teacher who raves about their job, or anyone who raves about what they do. I should stop, I shouldn't judge..........but she is crazy. Science class is hardcore. Maureen, ccm#3 and I plus our good friend Alex are all in it. We were locked out today so some guy climbed in through the open window and opened it from the inside. He's on my "who to cast" list now. Pretty rockin'.
They finally have my crunchy bar in stock in the vending machines (yesssssssssssss) and Shades and my lockers are pretty much 3 feet away from eachother so thats swell. Maureen and ccm#3's are definiatly on the polar opposite side of the school.
Some little tib bits before I end this blog:
What's on my locker: OK GO, home made magnets, the troop, movies (john hughes, Little Miss Sunshine, benny and joon)
Favourite class 1st semester: Science
Least favourite class 1st semester: Geography
Lunch: Indian Cuisine
Transportation: City Bus
Favourite class 2nd semester: Drama
Least favourite class 2nd semester: French
Joe. The real Mailman