Uncanny, Uncommon, Unconventional. --- Welcome to our Un/O-fficial site. What more needs to be said?

Friday, September 29, 2006

Heeeey! Tis I, your favourite! SHADES! hehe...

Anyway, we just did our Terry Fox run for our school. It was fun! I ran like 7 k!! Go me! I'm a tank! haha not really..

So yeah...I don't really know what to post about yet, because I have not yet chosen a winner for my little contest :P Haha I just felt obliged to post because I have not in a while.

So for all of you who were wondering if I like died or was in a coma, I am perfectly well. Except for the parasitical cold I have. J'ai mal a la gorge! Haha, I rock at french!

Until next time when my blog will *actually* have a point!


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