Uncanny, Uncommon, Unconventional. --- Welcome to our Un/O-fficial site. What more needs to be said?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Heyllo! How are you all!? Good? Good! I'm good too! That's good :)

I don't really know what I'm going to post about. I haven't decided yet. What do you all think I should post about???

Let's have a CONTEST!! !!! YAY!

Whoever can come up with the most creative thing to post about, I will post about it! And they will receive free Confidential Codswallop merchandise when we make some! Sweet deal, eh?

So comment on what I should post about!!!!

-Shades!!! :)

P.S. This morning I woke up to: "Do You Believe In Magic" Sweet stuff, innit!


Anonymous said...

i think you should write about the male instinct to drown their female neighbours in COLOGNE!!! What is with that, i feel the need to write a hate letter to the makers of AXE. It would look like this:

Dear Axe,

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (COUGH i'm drowning in your product) GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (CHOKE i'm choking on your product) I hope you go bankrupt.

the girl who's locker is next to your biggest customer

Anonymous said...

best things we've seen so far on youtube!