Yes, you have heard me correctly. A mutiny. Against *moi* and my masterpiece. As some of you may or may not know, I created a beautiful image of Confidential Codswallop. Against my will, and with out my knowing, the other three members discussed and took action upon deleting it from our blog. Yes, I know what you are all thinking. And I too was quite surprised and unimpressed, seeing as I so gratiously allowed Joe to post hers/his Pretty In Pink photo.
What do you think, oh-so-faithful fans? The time has come to speak up! Fight the power of confinement! Fight the reality of treason and mutiny! Surpress the traitors! Before, there were rumours of a time like this, and that time has come! THE TIME IS NOW! SPEAK! SPEAK NOW! SPEAK I SAY!
P.S. Speak your mind. Think freely. Act up.

I like your webpage. It is cool!
So i dont give away my true identity i will use code name, ZERSE (think about it, it is a cross between a ZEBRA and a HORSE!) Which most of you should understand, except the one who wasn't there for the day of the dance! (For that one its molly)
I'm i bit confused about the secret names of you, except one I figured in regards to the "Pretty in Pink" picture! hehehehe.
Well that doesn't matter cuz the page is cool and its funny. About the removal of the pictures i think since you share a webpage you should share ideas, so don't touch the other CCM's photos. Not COOL! But i would like to see this series of challenges, rock, paper, scissors sounds very original.
Have an awesome long weekend, see you soon!
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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