I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Pick a number. Who ever guesses it first, wins.
If that fails, we shall move onto the next GRUELLING CHALLENGE!
It will be fierce.
It will be challenging.
It will test your morals and your humanity.
It will test your guts.
It will test your will.
And ultimately, it will test your hand speed.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Let's keep it a nice clean game, people. You will choose Rock, Paper, OR Scissors. You may not choose all three...well if you can find a way to make that work..we shall see. No making up new weapons.
Rock beats Scissors. Simply because Rock smashes Scissors.
Scissors beats Paper. Obviously because Scissors cuts Paper.
Paper beats Rock. Not sure why. Supposebly because Paper is magic and covers Rock and makes it immobile, though that is utterly and completely useless, seeing as rocks are already immobile. If I were Paper, I would wrap myself around my enemies and they would suffocate. I have come to the conclusion that they made it 'magic' Paper so that something would beat Rock. To me, Rock is superior.
If THAT doesn't work, we will move to the most boring and uneventful way of deciding. And that is alligator wrestling. But that is so boring, I would not see why one would choose this.
We shall soon see: Who. Is. SUPERIOR!
(this would be an excellent game show...perhaps I should be that director...)
Tune in EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE to find out what happens next.

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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