I'm Back.
Alright I've been away in Mt. Tremblant for a day. A rather devistating amount of time when you're apart of something as fast paced as Confidential Codswallop.
Just feel like I should clear up somethings.
When have CCM#3 and I been fighting over director? And If Shades and Maureen havent noticed yet, you are also directors. We are all equals in this bussiness. We all have equal amount of control over what happens. That was one of the first rules I put into play with this troop.
I think you guys should all watch the movie Rushmore. Dear god it's hillarious! It's amother one of my Indie Films so there's a whole lot of darkness, sarcasm, awkward wit, and really well scripted characters.
I finally painted my nail again*, its a nice shade of baby blue.
If Zeuse reads this before tomorrow before tom. (Monday) we're seeing the Da Vinci Code at 4:45. Call me.
Who's Otter-man? He/She? Apart of the Company? You guys better do some digging for me.
That's all cops. Catch you on the 'mer.
Joe. The real Mailman.
*I paint my thumb a different colour every week. It's my own personal form of anarchy.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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